Expression Of Thoughts & Feelings

Music, art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, according to cultural standards of rhythm, melody & harmony, Music is related to creating opportunities for interaction, developing potentialities and transforming creative talents into possibilities in everyday life by participating in activities such as music listening, composing, and performing. It is a form of social interaction Music education touches all areas of learning. These include the psychomotor area which focuses on the development of your skills in music, the cognitive aspect which focuses on the acquisition of knowledge about music and the affective aspect which includes the appreciation and sensitivity to music.
Music essentially comes from the soul
Music teaching and learning are meaningful and engaging when it is regarded as a medium of expressing genuine emotions, enhancing interest, stimulating cognition, and regulating the collective behavior of all learners in all disciplinary learning and teaching. Music teaching and learning is done in cross-disciplinary, integrated,
project-based, and thematic education when music is received as a medium of education such as listening, composing, and performing.
Music Experience
At BGSIAS, we create an enjoyable learning environment to inspire young minds and help them grow in appreciation of music. We have top-notch Music Teachers who are skilled in playing various musical instruments. We instruct learners in practical methods and theory of general music, singing, as well as playing musical
instruments. We evaluate the learner’s performance and provide feedback and assistance to improve their musical skills. Our music teachers explore a wide range of music with students of all ages and we maintain a safe and positive learning environment for learners.
“Music…. Gives A Soul To The Universe, Wings To The Mind, Flight To The Imagination ….. And Life To Everything.”
Learning music provides health benefits as well as enhance skills needed for education and social interaction like
Language and reasoning.
- Language and reasoning
- Mastery of memorization
- Learn pattern recognition
- Better self-confidence
- Creative thinking.