BGSIAS Annual Sports Meet – INFINITO
The grand BGSIAS Annual Sports Meet, INFINITO, commenced in the gracious presence of Revered Sri Sri Dr. Prakashanatha Swamiji. The event began with the auspicious lighting of the lamp and a heartfelt floral tribute to Revered Sri Sri Sri Dr. Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji.
A vibrant march past by students and teachers representing the Atlas, Andes, Alps, and Ural houses set a tone of unity and team spirit. The audience was captivated by a mesmerizing yoga display, showcasing the grace and strength of the students, followed by a delightful flower dance by EYP and PYP students, spreading beauty and joy across the field.
Athletic events saw enthusiastic participation from both students and teachers, highlighting teamwork and sportsmanship. Senior school students ended the performances on a high note with an energetic aerobics dance that left everyone spellbound. The event celebrated the values of fitness, collaboration, and excellence, leaving everyone inspired. INFINITO was a spectacular showcase of talent, determination, and unity.
#BGSIAS #AnnualSportsMeet #INFINITO #TeamSpirit #FitnessAndFun #StudentShowcase #YogaDisplay #FlowerDance #Athletics #AerobicsPerformance