BGS International Academia School is a candidate school for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) caters to students aged 11-16 years (For Grade 6 to Grade 8 students) and is part of the International Baccalaureate’s 3-tier program of education, which goes from the primary years through the MYP to the Diploma Program. The MYP is designed to teach students to become independent learners who can recognize relationships between school subjects and the world outside, who can adapt to new situations and combine relevant knowledge with practical and social intelligence to solve real-world problems, either alone or with a group.
The program aims to enable students to build upon their spirit of discovery to develop an understanding and enjoyment of the process of learning, acquire knowledge and understanding and recognize the extent to which knowledge is interrelated. They learn to communicate effectively in a variety of ways and develop a sense of personal and cultural identity with respect for themselves and others. They also acquire insights into local and global concerns affecting health, the community and the environment, and develop a sense of individual and collective responsibility and citizenship.

Academics : IAS MYP Program
The key components of the MYP program are:
- Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning, using skills such as time management, self-assessment, etc.
- All subjects are taught within six “Global Contexts,” which assist students in making connections between curricular subjects and the real world.
- Students complete 20 hours of community service requirement each year.
- A minimum of 50 hours per year is required in each of the 8 subject groups. In addition, a personal project must be completed in grade ten.
- International mindedness is emphasized through all the different subjects.
In keeping with IAS mission statement and IAS Middle School philosophy, Middle School offers:
- A secure, stable environment with flexibility for individual growth during this transitional period in student life.
- Structured and clear guidelines within which students can find their “voices” and learn to express and exercise freedom responsibly.
- Academically challenging instruction and a team of caring, committed teachers, to prepare students for high school, college and later life.
- Attention to individual student needs, balanced with an emphasis on the value of challenge and fostering of self-reliance as students grow and mature.
Broad experience of education to equip students to live in a global society grounded firmly in enquiry, hard work, integrity, respect and reverence.