Dr. Madhusoodana. S
21ST Century Education System is to prepare the child for life than just marks and grades. The industrial revolution led to the education system, but now we are in the digital revolution, where the exchange of information is quicker and more effective. Therefore, the future of these young adults depends on the skills and competencies they develop. The success of the child depends on the four C’s Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking.
As the world is changing from the knowledge age to the conceptual age, imbuing students’ knowledge to get by is an old belief. BGS International Academica School prepares students with knowledge ‘to do’ than knowledge ‘about’. They require skills to be lifelong learners, hence learning how to learn is one of the key elements of education at BGS IAS. Our students should be able to understand the problem and develop an attitude or mindset to solve those problems. Therefore, we prepare them to be World Citizens ‘Vishwamanava’. Our vision statement gives us the direction to move forward in preparing the children who are agents of change. The core values of BGS Empathy, Discipline, and Integrity gives guidance and they are the cultural cornerstones. Therefore, at BGSIAS the purpose of education is focused on social, cultural, and intellectual development so that, students can grow up to become World Citizens.
Dr. Madhusoodana. S